You speak to concept of confidence in I way I can totally relate to.
Confidence is something that is gained in the moments we decide to act. The moments before are filled with the same fear and apprehension as most others would feel. Pushing past that moment and just trying it out helps us understand that there's always something to learn and most is 'learn as you go' (like your husbands method). Thanks for sharing!
Thank you, for these stories that remind me that I can be over ready to start a new thing. That clarity and confidence develop as we move forward and act. I needed this.
I’m so glad it helped! Yes, we all need these small reminders from time to time 🫶 Funny thing: My own writing inspired me, and now I’ve noticed I’m constantly seeking small, new experiences today. :)
Your explanation on confidence and clarity is compelling and gives a good recipe how to develop on your own.
My long life taught me that complex tasks can be better solved if you build a good team.
I felt that my quest to take Hungary off the COCOM list of Proscribed Destinations and assure access to modern technologies can be tackled in the last months of 1989.
I was advisor of prime minister Németh and proposed to him to start.
He had the vision and courage and appointed me as his special envoy. Most people in charge in different ministries thought id was premature and pushed the brake not the gas pedal.
Two old friends of mine state secretaries of foreign affairs and industry: Ferenc Somogyi and László Pál came on board, and I was not alone anymore.
It took two and a half years, and a change of government until we succeeded, always fighting with ignorance but the healthy team spirit prevailed and our access was achieved.
Zsolt, your stories always fascinate me because the best examples are always those that come from lived experience. I'm also really glad you highlighted that a person doesn't stand alone in the world, fighting against themselves, but that we have an impact on each other. I'm grateful for your comment!
It is my pleasure Andi. Your analysis was clear and exemplary, my addition was a second dimension. Gladys Ato made an interview with me a couple of weeks ago. I had to tell my life story to her at length. She was mesmerised, but said that I was talking about my achievements. She is a psychologist and would like to see the man behind the achievements. Her last question was, what I would propose to a youngster, what he/she has to concentrate on for being successful in life. My answer was: be workaholic and forge a good team. I think this is my mantra.
In May my former colleagues organised a birthday party for my 80. I was asked next day, how was it? Answer: 96 people and 2000 hugs. I don't just advertise team building, I have been successful doing it for the public good and for my infinite personal joy.
You speak to concept of confidence in I way I can totally relate to.
Confidence is something that is gained in the moments we decide to act. The moments before are filled with the same fear and apprehension as most others would feel. Pushing past that moment and just trying it out helps us understand that there's always something to learn and most is 'learn as you go' (like your husbands method). Thanks for sharing!
I'm so glad you can relate to this! Thank you for reading, Sirah!
Thank you, for these stories that remind me that I can be over ready to start a new thing. That clarity and confidence develop as we move forward and act. I needed this.
I’m so glad it helped! Yes, we all need these small reminders from time to time 🫶 Funny thing: My own writing inspired me, and now I’ve noticed I’m constantly seeking small, new experiences today. :)
Your explanation on confidence and clarity is compelling and gives a good recipe how to develop on your own.
My long life taught me that complex tasks can be better solved if you build a good team.
I felt that my quest to take Hungary off the COCOM list of Proscribed Destinations and assure access to modern technologies can be tackled in the last months of 1989.
I was advisor of prime minister Németh and proposed to him to start.
He had the vision and courage and appointed me as his special envoy. Most people in charge in different ministries thought id was premature and pushed the brake not the gas pedal.
Two old friends of mine state secretaries of foreign affairs and industry: Ferenc Somogyi and László Pál came on board, and I was not alone anymore.
It took two and a half years, and a change of government until we succeeded, always fighting with ignorance but the healthy team spirit prevailed and our access was achieved.
Zsolt, your stories always fascinate me because the best examples are always those that come from lived experience. I'm also really glad you highlighted that a person doesn't stand alone in the world, fighting against themselves, but that we have an impact on each other. I'm grateful for your comment!
It is my pleasure Andi. Your analysis was clear and exemplary, my addition was a second dimension. Gladys Ato made an interview with me a couple of weeks ago. I had to tell my life story to her at length. She was mesmerised, but said that I was talking about my achievements. She is a psychologist and would like to see the man behind the achievements. Her last question was, what I would propose to a youngster, what he/she has to concentrate on for being successful in life. My answer was: be workaholic and forge a good team. I think this is my mantra.
In May my former colleagues organised a birthday party for my 80. I was asked next day, how was it? Answer: 96 people and 2000 hugs. I don't just advertise team building, I have been successful doing it for the public good and for my infinite personal joy.
Hug, Zsolt